Free Shipping on all orders over $100 was developed with the pet lover in mind.

We view pets as members of the family, so our aim is to provide customers with pet related products that can ensure their beloved pet will enjoy a happy, healthy life. We know how important the human-animal bond is, so our commitment to quality animal care extends to every facet of our business.

The foundation of is our renowned product selection & customer support. But the key to our business success is: great prices, wide selection, speed of delivery and superior service. We designed with the intention of providing not only the best products at the most competitive prices, but to become the best provider of pet supplies online. carries more than 10,000 high-quality pet-related products to help you care for the lifetime needs of your pets.

From dogs and cats to birds and reptiles, we carry all the essentials for happy pets. Our assortment doesn’t forget the small as well – providing an assortment of specialized products for the little guys, like ferrets and rabbits, as well as top brands in aquaria for all your freshwater, saltwater and pond needs.

To help make your shopping experience easier, all of our products include detailed descriptions, product imagery and to help you make educated purchasing decisions.

As the site continues to grow; you will find fun new products, innovative gadgets, toys and treats added each week. Plus if you like us on Facebook/Twitter, you can be a part of weekly fun of silly photos and cool animal factoids.

We look forward to serving you and welcome you to the family.